One Week

It has been one week since my life changed forever.

In some ways, this has been the longest week of my life. In others, the time has flown by.

The tears come and go. They pop up at the most random times. Usually when I see something that makes me think “I have to send that to my mom.”

That made last Saturday especially difficult.

She and I were looking forward to watching the live stream of the Taylor Hawkins tribute concert. On Saturday, I put my phone on do not disturb and watched it alone. All six hours. And it was phenomenal. She would have absolutely loved it.

I picked up my phone to text her when Wolfgang Van Halen shredded like his dad. I wanted to call her when Queen came on, Rufus Taylor looking like Taylor reincarnated. I bawled when Brian May sang Love of My Life. I ugly cried when they sang Somebody to Love, one of her favorites.

One week.

I’m still trying to navigate this new way of living. Thank God for Sephora. She is right there with kitty cuddles exactly when I need them.

One week.

Oh how I miss you so.

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